The availability of essential medicines and medical supplies is one of the key indicators by which the public measures the performance of the Ministry of Health and Child Care and other health service providers in Zimbabwe. A lot of resources are being channeled towards ensuring the availability of these essential supplies.
The mission of the pharmacy department is to ensure the availability of essential medicines and medical supplies through procurement or ordering, inventory management and promotion of appropriate use of these commodities.

Ingutsheni Central Hospital is the referral institution for mental healthcare in Zimbabwe.
Therefore, pharmacy department aims to contribute in the improvement of quality mental healthcare services. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the quality of life for people affected by various mental health problems.
However, In view of decongesting antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the two central hospitals in Bulawayo (Mpilo and UBH), Ingutsheni Hospital has be also designated as initiating site for AIDS and TB Programme.
Services offered by “pharmacy department” include:
- Dispensing medicines* to “ambulatory patients” and counselling on the optimal use;
- Dispensing medicines* and medical supplies for “inpatients”.
*Medicines dispensed include among others:
- Mental Health related medicines : Antipsychotics medicines
: Anti-epileptic medicines
: Mood stabilisers medicines
: Antidepressant medicines
: Anti-anxiety medicines
- Anti-retroviral medicines for adults patients (ARVs)